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1 Gram Jewellery Management Software

1 Gram Jewellery Management Software

JewelACC is here with the advanced features of jewelry manufacturing software. Our software streamlines every aspect of your operations, making it easier to manage your business efficiently. With an array of powerful features and a user-friendly interface, our software is your ultimate tool for boosting productivity and ensuring smooth operations.

Why do you need 1 Gram Jewellery Management Software?

In in jewelry industry, managing inventory, sales, and customer data is complex. 1 Gram Jewellery Management Software resolves it with customized solutions.


Efficient Billing Management

Streamline your billing processes and ensure accurate invoicing for your 1-gram jewellery orders.

Seamless Transaction Management

Keep track of all financial transactions with ease, from payments to receipts, ensuring transparency and accuracy.

Effective Order Management

Take control of your orders from start to finish, managing details and tracking progress effortlessly.

Salesman and Salesman Order Management

Easily manage your sales team and their orders, ensuring smooth communication and coordination.



Billing Management

Streamline your billing processes with our Billing Management module. Easily generate accurate invoices for your 1-gram jewellery orders. Apply relevant taxes and track payment statuses. Our system ensures that your financial records are always up-to-date and error-free. That enhances overall financial transparency and efficiency.

  • Manage Tax Invoices, Labor Invoices, Stock Transfer Vouchers, and Payment Receipt
  • Auto calculate CGST, SGST, IGST
  • Track Transaction History by Party
  • Flexible Invoice Management
  • Professional Invoices with Letterhead

Transaction Management

Keep a meticulous record of all your financial transactions with our Transaction Management module. Whether it’s payments, receipts, or bank transfers, our software allows you to manage and track every transaction with precision. This module helps you maintain a clear financial overview and supports detailed reporting and auditing.

  • Efficient Party-Based Transaction Management
  • One-Click Reordering for Repeat Customers
  • Transaction View
  • Detailed Outstanding Payment Reports
  • Convenient Item Tagging
  • Manage cash payments, cash receipts, bank payments, bank receipts, and round-off amounts
  • Easy Waste Adjustment
  • Create and print vouchers for transactions
  • Effective Party Outstanding Management
  • Easily move to the transaction panel for additional action

Order Management

Take full control of your order lifecycle with our Order Management module. From order placement to delivery, manage all details seamlessly. Track order status, manage customer details and ensure timely fulfillment. Our system helps you stay organized and responsive to customer needs, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Manage stone details that used in the order
  • Preview the order details before finalizing
  • Modified order as required
  • Track the status of orders
  • Manage tree-related operations when the order type is Casting
  • Easily shift orders to the casting process
  • Print a document with the order details including images
  • Track job outstanding while scanning barcodes

Salesman and Salesman Order Management

Effectively manage your sales team and their orders with the Salesman and Salesman Order Management module. Assign orders, track performance, and monitor sales activities in real time. This module helps you streamline sales operations, improve communication, and boost your overall sales efficiency.

  • Add new salesman details
  • Modify or remove salesman details as needed
  • Manage cash payments, cash receipts, bank payments, bank receipts, and round-off amounts
  • Salesman wise track the stock details
  • Adjust waste for specific items
  • Item tag management and scan tag
  • Keep the history
  • Print or download PDF or Excel sheets of the salesman’s stock detail

Parcel Management

Handle all your shipping needs with our Parcel Management module. Track parcel details, including shipping status and insurance information. Ensure that all shipments are managed efficiently, reducing the risk of lost or delayed deliveries. This module helps you provide reliable and timely service to your customers.

  • Parcel data management
  • Include insurance details for the parcel
  • Modify or remove parcel details as needed
  • Access records of completed parcels

Stock Management

Maintain real-time insights into your inventory with our Stock Management module. Track stock levels, monitor item movements, and optimize inventory control. Our system helps you reduce stockouts and overstock situations. That ensures you always have the right amount of inventory to meet demand.

  • Provide insights into inventory levels at a glance
  • Download PDF or Excel sheets with detailed stock information
  • Manage stock movement by recording stock ins and outs
  • Match stock items to salesmen or other criteria
  • Easily access or search for individual stock including stock levels, sales history, and other relevant details.

Daybook Management

Keep a detailed record of your daily financial activities with our Daybook Management module. Track transactions, sales, purchases, and other financial entries on a day-to-day basis. This module helps you maintain accurate and comprehensive financial records. That facilitates easier reporting and analysis.

  • Role-Based Access Control
  • Detailed report for a transaction, salesman turnover, day close, stock-ins, stock-outs, etc
  • Print a report with the daily activities summarizing
  • Export reports in Excel format with a specific date range

Remaining Payment Reminder

Never miss a payment with our Remaining Payment Reminder module. Set up reminders for outstanding payments and follow up with customers or vendors. This feature helps you ensure timely collections and payments. That improves your cash flow management and financial stability.

  • Get the latest payment reminder list
  • Print the required payment reminder details by clicking on the checkbox
  • View detailed information or specifications
Remaining Payment Reminder


Maximize efficiency and boost profitability effortlessly with our MS Kadali Manufacturing Software. Unlocking streamlined operations and benefits tailored to elevate your business.
Tailored Solutions

Tailored Solutions

JewelACC offers software specifically designed to address the unique needs of 1-gram jewellery manufacturers. That ensures a perfect fit for your business operations.
Reliable Customer Support

Reliable Customer Support

Benefit from our dedicated customer support team, ready to assist you at every step of your journey with JewelACC. From initial setup to ongoing maintenance and troubleshooting.
Real-Time Insights

Real-Time Insights

Gain valuable real-time insights into your business operations with advanced reporting and analytics features. That helps you make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.
Cost-Effective Investment

Cost-Effective Investment

Achieve a high return on investment with our competitively priced software. That is designed to streamline your operations, reduce manual efforts, and enhance overall efficiency.
User-Friendly Interface

User-Friendly Interface

Our software boasts an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it simple for your team to adopt and use effectively, boosting overall productivity.
Enhanced Security

Enhanced Security

JewelACC prioritizes the security of your sensitive data. Implementing robust security measures to protect your business information and ensure confidentiality.

Jewelry business has changed, Shouldn’t your software?


Our 1 Gram Jewellery Management Software is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline the operations of jewellery manufacturers, offering advanced features for billing, transaction management, order processing, and more.
Yes, our Order Management module lets you handle the entire order lifecycle, from placement to delivery, tracking order status, managing customer details, and ensuring timely fulfillment.
This module helps you assign orders, track sales performance, and monitor sales activities in real time, improving communication and boosting sales efficiency.
JewelACC prioritizes data security by implementing robust security measures to protect your sensitive business information and ensure confidentiality.
To get started, contact our sales team or visit our website to schedule a demo. And learn more about how our software can benefit your business.

JewelACC is going to be part of DJGF 2024​

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JewelACC is going to be part of DJGF 2024

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JewelACC is going to be part of DJDF 2024