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2.10 Manage Investment

1. Access Investment in the Master section, navigate to Master and click on Investment.

Go to Master → investment

Investment Manage-1

2. Click the Add Investment Button

This is used to Track, manage, and analyze your investments for optimal financial growth.

Investment Manage-2

3. Enter Data and after filling in all the details (* field required) then click on SAVE.

Investment Manage-3

4. Click the Cash to add Rupees.

Investment Manage-4

5. Click the Add button.

Investment Manage-5

6. Enter data and after filling in all the details (* field required) then click on SAVE.

Investment Manage-6

7. Added rupees are shown in the investment.

Investment Manage-7

8. Edit and Delete icon.

Investment Manage-8

9. Reset Investment.

Step 1: Click the reset Icon

Investment Manage-9

Step 2: Enter the amount and change the data click the Reset icon.

Investment Manage-10

10. Click the Print button and View the Print.

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Investment Manage-12