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3.3 Manage Item Tags

1. To access Item Tags, navigate to Other and select Item Tags from the dropdown menu.
Other → item tags

Item tag-1

2. Add Details

Step 1: Select a Record Type.

Item tag-2

→ If the record type is Job Work, display the relevant job work details in the specified section.

Item tag-3

→ Add E. Count as per need.

If want only 1 Tag then Enter 1 if want 2 Tags then Enter 2

Item tag-4

→ Fulfill the Data click the Plus icon.

Item tag-5

→ After filling in all the details (* field required) click on SUBMIT.

Item tag-6

3. Edit tags details.

Item tag-7

4. Print edited old tags.

Click on EDIT → select check box → then click on PRINT

Item tag-8

5. Click on Previous Party to navigate to the preceding event and Next Party for the subsequent one.

Item tag-9

6. Delete the specific tag individually.

Item tag-10