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3.6 Manage Payment Reminder

1. Access Payment Reminder under Other, simply click on Payment Reminder.

Go to Other → Payment Reminder

Manage Payment Reminder-1

2. Get latest payment reminders

While clicking on GET LATEST PAYMENT REMINDER DAYS user received due payment list.

Manage Payment Reminder-2

3. Print details

*Click on checkbox then click on PRINT

Manage Payment Reminder-3

4. Click the “i” icon to view detailed information or specifications.

Manage Payment Reminder-8

Step 1: After filling in all the details (* field required) then click on Save.

Manage Payment Reminder-5

Step 2: Click the Ratecut Button.

Manage Payment Reminder-6

Step 3: Enter the Ratecut Data.

Manage Payment Reminder-7

5. Click the exclude party icon to remove the data.

Manage Payment Reminder-8

6. Enter the details and search the details.

Manage Payment Reminder-9